When examining this image of Guido's in particular the link between his style and that of the historical link to Elizabethan hair design is highly apparent. The first image is taken from an Elizabethan portrait of an unknown lady, the hair within the image is highly padded and shaped into a tall circular structure, this choice of shape is rather unusual for the period as it was often the heart shape that was a preferred structure of padding. The hair itself is rather plain in comparison to other methods of Elizabethan decoration with a simple gold decor draped over the centre of the hair. Often hair was garnished with pearls, jewels and ribbon therefore the simplicity of this hair design in particular stands out from the rest. The colour of the hair represents another convention of Elizabethan hair design as it is a deep reddish blonde colour, this being a convention of Renaissance beauty enhances the beauty of the sitter within the painting.a and because of the black background and dress of the sitter all focus remains onto the hair and face. This portrait depicts probably the tallest hair style seen within all the Elizabethan portraits examined so far and because of its unusual shape is rather alien in appearance. Throughout Elizabethan hair design the link to alien shaping is a reoccurring theme through the reoccurrence of tall structures and rounded shapes.
When examining Guido's hair design the connection between it and that of the Elizabethan portrait is heavy. The hair is again tall and round in structure following a similar shape, the only definite difference is that of the missing decor however with the simple adornment of the gold hair piece or even pearls the style would be immediately Elizabethan. Although this hairstyle is very similar to that of the Elizabethan portrait there are a few differences that bring the image forward into a more contemporary design. Within the original portrait the hair is visibly more frizzed however within Guido's version the hair is much smoother and sleeker against the padding and sides. In addition to this the shape of the structure is much more rounded at the top allowing the sides to sit far straighter at the sides of the head. This smoother version enhances that alienesque feel of the overall hair design but maintains that Elizabethan influence. This sense of extraterrestrialism that is found within contemporary takes on Elizabethan hair design is definitely something that needs to be featured within my own final design as it is such a dominating theme within my examination of Elizabethan styles.
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